Dioxine Purple Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Thalo Cyan Blue Turquoise transparent Green Opaque Thalo Green
Burnt Umber Real Color Wheel in Pigments CenterW Permanent Green Light
Burnt Sienna Top Space
Venetian Red Yellow Green Opaque CENTER
Yellow Oxide bottom SPACE
Naples Yellow Light Green Gold Transparent Bottom
Magenta Rembrandt Rose Cadmium Red Medium Cadmium Orange Indian Yellow Gold transparent Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Pale
Real Color Wheel, colorwheel.htm
Oil Palette Colors
En Plein Aire - Painting Maui on Location

RCW Pigment Painting
Colors Index

For painting on location.
Linked paint colors with descriptions.
Real Color Wheel with Yellow at the top Reading Red Right.
36RCW=36total colors - #00=color number - .00/.0=tint/shade - .1=cool, .9=warm

THIS COLOR LINK PAGE RCW Painting Colors Index

START PAINTINGS The first painting w/ tips, "66 Bananas" acrylic, 01.htm
RCW - ALL ABOUT COLOR E-BOOK AllAboutColor-Ebook.pdf
ALL ABOUT COLOR RCW Color Thesis, final.htm


WHITE  oilpalette0white.htm

LIGHT YELLOW  oilpalette1lemonyellow.htm   rcwnickeltitan.htm   pigmentrcwbarium.htm   1yellow.htm   oilpalette2yellowpale.htm   pigmentrcwzincyellow.htm   oilpalette6yellowtrans.htm

BROWN   oilpalette17btumber.htm   rcw19brown.htm   rcwbtumber.htm   rcwrawumber.htm   17btumber.htm

YELLOW   rcwyellow.htm

NAPLES YELLOW   oilpalette13naplesyellow.htm   rcwnaplesyellowlit.htm   13naplesyellow.htm   rcwnaplesyellowdeep.htm

YELLOW DARK   oilpalette4cadyelmed.htm   rcwcadyellow.htm Lemon,Tinted   rcwcadyellowmed.htm   4cadyelmed.htm Medium   rcwcadyellowmid.htm Middle is darker

YELLOW OXIDE   oilpalette14yellowoxide.htm   rcwtransyellowoxide.htm   rcwyellowrawocher.htm   14yellowoxide.htm

INDIAN YELLOW GOLD   oilpalette3indianyelgold.htm   rcwindianyellow.htm   3indianyelgold.htm

INDIAN YELLOW BROWN   oilpalette7indianyelbrw.htm   rcwindianyellowbrown.htm   indianyellowtobrownPY153.htm acrylic   indianyellow.htm   indianyellowtobrownTartrazine.htm watercolor   7indianyelbrw.htm   rcwasphaltum.htm

GAMBOGE   oilpalette5gamboge.htm   rcwgamboge.htm   5gamboge.htm

SEINNA   oilpalette16btsienna.htm   rcwrawsienna.htm

ORANGE   oilpalette8cadorg.htm   rcwcadorange.htm   8cadorg.htm

VERMILLION   oilpalette9verm.htm

RED   oilpalette10cadredlt.htm   rcwcadredlit.htm

RED OXIDE   oilpalette15venred.htm   rcwredoxide.htm   15venred.htm

REMBRANDT ROSE   oilpalette11remrose.htm   rcwrembrose.htm   pigmentrcwrosemadder.htm   11remrose.htm

MAGENTA   oilpalette12magenta.htm   rcwmagenta.htm   12magenta.htm   rcwcobaltmagenta.htm   rcwcobaltviolet.htm Opaque   rcwmanganeseviolet.htm

PURPLE   oilpalette18diopurple.htm   rcwpurple.htm   18diopurple.htm   rcwultviolet.htm

ULTRAMARINE BLUE   oilpalette19ultblue.htm   rcwfrenchultblue.htm   rcwultblue.htm   19ultblue.htm

COBALT BLUE   oilpalette20cobalt.htm   rcwcobaltblue.htm   20cobalt.htm   pigmentrcwroyalbluelt.htm   pigmentrcwroyalbluedp.htm   pigmentrcwbluelitopaque.htm

CYAN   oilpalette21thaloblue.htm   rcwthaloblue.htm   21thaloblue.htm

TURQUOISE   oilpalette22turq.htm   rcwbluegreen.htm   22turq.htm

GREEN   oilpalette24thalogreen.htm   rcwthalogreen.htm   24thalogreen.htm

GREEN-YELLOW-GREEN   oilpalette25permgreenlt.htm   rcwpermgreenlit.htm Warm   rcwopaquegreenlight.htm Cool

GREEN-DIRTY   rcwhookersgreen.htm   rcwgreenoxide.htm   rcwgreenearth.htm

YELLOW-GREEN  oilpalette26yellowgreen.htm   rcwbrilliantyellowgreen.htm   rcwyellowgreen.htm opaque

GREEN-GOLD   oilpalette27greengold.htm

MASS-TONE TINT COOL YELLOW-GREEN   26sulphuryellow.htm
  Nickle yellow 26yellowgreen.htm

BACK TO WHITE   oilpalette0white.htm

NEXT Night Watercolors starting in 1988, watercolors htm
PREVIOUS Pumpkin Patch 2007, oil crayons, NY, pumpkinmexico2007.htm

All About Color RCW Ebook pdf  | Wikihow/How to Use the Real Color Wheel  | CYMK Hexadecimal Codes

Click a Color
Dioxine Purple Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Thalo Cyan Blue Turquoise transparent Green Opaque Thalo Green
Burnt Umber Real Color Wheel in Pigments Permanent Green Light
Burnt Sienna
Venetian Red Yellow Green Opaque
Yellow Oxide
Naples Yellow Light Green Gold Transparent
Magenta Rembrandt Rose Cadmium Red Medium Cadmium Orange Indian Yellow Gold transparent Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Pale
My Oil Palette Colors