
Dioxine Purple Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Thalo Cyan Blue Turquoise transparent Green Opaque Thalo Green
Burnt Umber Real Color Wheel in Pigments Permanent Green Light
Burnt Sienna
Venetian Red Yellow Green Opaque
Yellow Oxide
Naples Yellow Light Green Gold Transparent
Magenta Rembrandt Rose Cadmium Red Medium Cadmium Orange Indian Yellow Gold transparent Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Pale


It must have center colors in each section.

In a 36RCW =  Each color is 10º, 36RCW#1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6 = 60º or one color section.
Six 60º sections = 360º, one complete color wheel.
A correct color wheel with correct oppositions can have 3-6-12-24-36-48-60-72-84-144 or 432 colors, a 1152RCW is for commercial paint mixing units like in a hardware store. They can mix any color with three transparent primary pigments, three opaque secondary pigments plus black and white.

DEVISIONS include one extra color. DEVISIONS are to find the center of each SECTION.
#1 is the start of a new color SECTION, the yellow section. The Yellow SECTION has 6 colors + Red = 7 colors. #4 is in the center/middle color of the first SECTION. #7 is the start of a new color section, the red section.

Each section is looked at as 7 colors but only contains 6 colors. It is using the first color of the next section, which is again used in that next sections count.

6 colors in 6 sections = 36 colors or 360º. The middle color of #1yellow to #7red is the color between #1 & #7 which would be 36RCW#4, orange.

Would a 60 color wheel work? 60colors÷6sections@10colors each.
Yellow=10colors plus the next color, Red = 11 colors, Yes, #6 is in the middle.

Would a 48 color wheel work? 48colors÷6sections@8colors each.
Yellow=8colors plus the next color, Red = 9 colors, Yes, #5 is in the middle.

Would a 36 color wheel work? 36colors÷6sections@6colors each.
Yellow=6colors plus the next color, Red = 7 colors, Yes, #4 is in the middle.

Would a 24 color wheel work? 24colors÷6sections@4colors each.
Yellow=4colors plus the next color, Red = 5 colors, Yes, #3 is in the middle.

Would a 12 color wheel work? 12colors÷6sections@2colors each.
Yellow=2colors plus the next color, Red = 3 colors, Yes, #2 is in the middle.

Would a 6 color wheel work? 6colors÷6sections@1color each.
Yes, Primary and Secondary Colors

Would a 3 color wheel work? 3colors÷3sections@1color each.
Yes, Primary Colors.

A 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 color wheel will not work.

3x8=24RCW, 24÷6=4=1SECTION, 4+1=5=1DEVISION,
Yes, #3 works, it's the middle number between 1 and 5.
3x9=27, 27÷6=4.5, No, you need a whole odd number.
3x10=30, 30÷6=5, 5+1=6, No, you need a whole odd number.
3x11=33, 33÷6=5.5, No, you need a whole odd number.

3x12=36RCW, 36÷6=6, 6+1=7,
Yes, #4 works, it's the middle number between 1 and 7.
3x14=42, 42÷6=7 7+1=8, No, you need a whole odd number.
3x16=48RCW, 48÷6=8, 8+1=9,
Yes, #5 works, it's the middle number between 1 and 9.
3x18=54, 54÷6=9, 9+1=10, No, you need a whole odd number.
3x20=60RCW, 60÷6=10, 10+1=11,
Yes, #6 works, 1to5=5digits & 7to11=5digets, 5digits on each side of #6.
3x24=72RCW, 72÷6=12, 12+1=13,
Yes, #7 works, 1to6=6digits & 8to13=6digits, 6digits on each side of #7.
3x25=75, 75÷6=12.5, No, you need a whole number.
3x26=78, 78÷6=13, 13+1=14, No, it has to be a whole odd number.
3x27=81, 81÷6=13.5, No, it has to be a whole odd number.

3x28=84RCW, 84÷6=14, 14+1=15,
Yes, #8works, 1to7=7digits & 9to15=7digits, 7digits on each side of #8.
3x48=144RCW, 144÷6=24, 24+1=25,
Yes, #13 works, 1to12=12digits & 14to25=12digits, 12digits on each side of #13.
3x120=360RCW, 360÷6=60, 60+1=61,
Yes, #31 works, 1to30=30digits & 31to61=30
3x144=432RCW, 432÷6=72, 72+1=73,
Yes, #37 works, 1to36=36digits & 37to73=36digits, 36digits on each side of #37.

3x384=1152RCW, 1152÷3=384, 1152÷6=192=1SECTION+1=193=DEVISION, 1/2 of192=96+1=97=middle color, 96+96+1=193, works.
4x288=1152RCW, 1152÷6=192=1SECTION, 192+1=193=1DEVISION, 192÷2=96, 96+96+1=193, 97 is the middle number of the DIVISION, works.

The formula is: A number divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 6 that gives you a whole result number will give you a SECTION when divided by 6, add 1 number to the SECTION to get the DEVISION.
There are 6 SECTIONS in a 6RCW, 60º in each SECTION, 6x60º=360º. 6x200=1200, 1200÷6=200, 1200÷4=300, 1200÷3=400, 1200÷2=600, 200 colors in section+1=201=devision, 1to100=100, 101=middle color, 101to201=100

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CMYK Real Color Wheel

Colored pencils mounted on the Real Color Wheel, free blank color wheel
Tube Oil Colors matching the RCW

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PREVIOUS Change this page's background to pigment colors, learn the codes, rcwcolorform.htm