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Painting Maui Hawaii on Location

Waikani Bridge

Acrylic Painting, Maui, Hawaii Painting

93.htm, It took a full day to draw the bridge and three more days to paint the picture on location. Notice a painting rule here, "it's lightest next to the dark and darkest next to the light". It was good to see the falls so full.

It's an old photograph, that's me before I had (3) blue vans. I wonder happened to those boots? This has got to be my favorite painting.

In 2012 I made a giclee of this painting, 30 years after it was painted a giclee sits on the wall in back of my computers today. I'm getting old, my hair is white now. I'm cleaning up the web pages now, last week I finished the pigment color pages and linked them all together. This month I'm working on the paintings. Painting links in order are on the Index page. Maybe I'm half way finished.
I had a great 75th birthday party on 5-20-2016. This site is huge, I'm going over it now, one page at a time.

The painting is a link back to it's gallery page.

#93, Waikani Bridge, Acrylic Painting

Painting on Location, 8-13-82

#93, Don Jusko. Waikani Bridge, Acrylic Painting

Next Painting with Tips 94.htm, Waikani Waterfall
Previous Painting with Tips 92.htm, Wainappanapa Rabbit Rock