Painting on Location
by Donald A. Jusko

Red Anthurium, Nahiku, Maui

Copal Medium, 6-17-5, #939

I just arrived here in Nahiku and Tom Booth and I started painting.
He is always ready.

I'm using a full palette. Diox. Purple, Ult. blue, cobalt blue, Thalo blue, permanent green light opaque, Thalo green, green gold, yellow green, cad yellow light, cad yellow medium, transparent Indian yellow Br/side, cad orange, cad red light, Magenta PR122, Naples yellow, yellow oxide, red oxide warm, burnt sienna, burnt umber, raw umber. Permalba white yellows least of all in my 5 year test.
This is our setup, That's Tom under the shade of the ladder, he later changed to using an umbrella. That's my new silver opaque umbrella.

After this photo I set up my computer and video equipment to make a copal and linseed oil DVD.
Purchase the DVD on the Order Page

Our setup

Red Antheriums, 15x22, Garrette Copal Medium. I never liked the brands of copal I tried until I tried Ron Garrett's ( there wasn't enough control. His brand painted beautifully.
We started about 9:00 AM this morning. Tom drew his in with a pencil.

Tom Booth
I drew with the brush and copal.

First in monotone using Thalo blue PR15.3. I thought it would be a rainy day painting and I could use the cyan hue.

If it had been a sunny day I would have used blue.

don Jusko

Day 1, Three hours of painting.

Day 1, Four hours of painting.

Copal medium is just great. It sets up nicely after 24 hours, it sets harder after 48 hours. This will let you remove layers one day at a time for 3 or 4 days. On the 2nd day you can lay another layer on top of the first, or use a turpentine layer and let it soak in an remove the 1st layer.

This is what it looked like after day 3.

By day 4 the painting had shifted cooler.

Day 4, finished. Don Jusko

Tom is finished also.

He really liked the copal medium. He said that he noticed he could get longer strokes with copal.

Tomorrow we will be painting with some Maroger medium I made last month.

Tip: Instead of removing or working into a lower layer as with copal or damar, we will be painting over a layer that will not redisolve.

Magenta Bogainvillia

Maroger Medium, 15x22 on linen panel, 6-21-05, #940

It rained so hard outside for the last painting we decided to paint this one on the porch. One of the disadvantages of Maroger medium is you can't use any of yesterdays mixed paint as you can with copal medium.

By the second day I had almost 100% coverage. I decided to do verticals of the railing after the background was dry.
That's one of the advantages of Maroger medium. Both media dry shiny.


Tom's painting is a base of Thalo blue.
By the second day his looked like this.

Finished, notice the railing is gone.

NEXT PAINTING, Opera Pigment in Watercolors, opera1.htm
PREVIOUS PAINTING, Kula Jacarandas in June, 2005, jaca05jun.htm